Leaky gut syndrome: root cause of hair loss?

Is leaky gut syndrome a root cause of hair loss?

Leaky Gut Syndrome also referred to as ‘increased intestinal permeability’,  is a root cause of hair loss. It is also still quite a new condition within the medical community. So there’s a chance that you haven’t even heard of it.
It occurs when the lining of your gut becomes ‘abnormally permeable’. This allows harmful substances, toxins and food to pass through the intestines and bloodstream.

Leaky gut is the root of healthMany people, including doctors, don’t fully understand this condition. In order to be slim, happy, healthy, energetic, and glowing, you need a strong-tight gut.

Irritation in the stomach lining causes tears and holes in the gut

Cells in the stomach are generally tightly packed when a person is healthy. However, irritations in the lining of the intestines can lead to problems. When an irritation in the stomach lining occurs for a prolonged period, holes and tears can develop. Holes in the intestinal wall eventually allow food particles to enter the bloodstream. This is what is known as ‘Leaky Gut’.

Leaky gut syndrome is a situation where you may develop autoimmune diseases

Once food particles enter the bloodstream, the body responds to them as foreign objects. Antibodies are released to destroy these ‘invaders’. You now have a situation where you may develop an auto-immune disease. This is when your body may start attacking any cell in your body. Moreover, this ultimately affects your hair. Moreover, also your glands, skin and other important organs.

Talking to your doctor about Leaky gut syndrome may be difficult

You might also have a little difficulty talking to your traditional doctor about it. Chances are if you mention the words ‘leaky gut’ they’ll start rolling their eyes.

If that’s the case, then I suggest you run, fast! And find another doctor who understands this complex, yet common illness.

Nourishment + healthy gut = good health

A well-nourished body equates to hair that is strong and healthy. So, as a general rule, avoid eating foods that are known to cause harm to the lining of the stomach.

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

All diseases start in your gut. So ensure you don’t suffer from leaky gut syndrome

Trust your gut, and take care of it too! Many health professionals believe that good health begins in the gut. Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, was even famously for it. He quoted to have said: “All disease begins in the gut”.

At least 80% of our immune system can be found in the gut. Along with billions of good and bad bacteria. The gut also sends signals to the brain which controls our appetite and mood. Now imagine your gut unprotected and ‘unsealed’. And allowing toxins and chemicals to enter it. This is why it’s so important to protect it.

The Connection Between Leaky Gut Syndrome and Hair Loss

When you ingest good healthy nutrients, they are absorbed through the stomach lining. And then passed into the bloodstream.  Once in the bloodstream, nutrients are carried by the blood. The blood delivers nutrients to the organs, glands, and systems that need them.  This same process delivers nutrients to your hair.

Absorption of foods delivers nutrients to your hair

Absorption happens in the small intestine. There are three separate sections – the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum. Nutrients from carbohydrates, proteins, and minerals are mainly absorbed in the duodenum. The jejunum then absorbs the remaining starches. This is in the form of glucose or proteins as well as other essential vitamins.

What is the gut?

The word ‘gut’ is a slang term used to describe the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract).  Other names for the GI tract are the gastrointestinal system, digestive tube, and digestive tract. The intestines are about 8 meters or 25 feet long and host approximately 1500 different bacteria strains.

The gut is made of up the esophagus, stomach, and large and small intestines. It is an essential part of your digestive system. Your digestive system takes food, absorbs the nutrients in it, and expels any waste. Other areas of the digestive system include the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, tongue, and salivary glands.

Every single nutrient passes your gut: you can’t live without your gut

When you eat food, it moves through your body. As it does, nutrients are absorbed through a variety of chemical processes. The food travels through the body giving life and energy to your cells. This process happens until finally any unused parts are expelled.

Your body extracts amino acids from the food you eat, fatty acids, vitamins, and fiber. These fuels the cells in your body. Also your nerves, electrolyte balance, and photochemical processes.

Important antioxidants are consumed and fiber feeds bacteria that dwell in the gut (microbiota). Everything is broken down but only small molecules can cross the barrier of the gut to enter the body. Undigested food, germs (bacteria), and waste substances are passed out as feces.

Not a single nutrient can be utilized by your body without first being processed by the gut.  So, as you can see, your gut has a crucial job.  You can’t survive without it.

The digestion process

The intestines process our food from the moment it is eaten until it is either absorbed or released as feces. The digestion process starts in the mouth where enzymes start to break down food. Then muscular contraction helps to move food from the esophagus into the stomach. Chemicals produced by our cells start the major role of the digestion. While certain nutrition and liquids are absorbed through the stomach lining, the majority of foods absorb in the small intestine.

In the gut, enzymes mix with food and move the food along towards the end of the tube. Undigested food, germs, and waste substances are passed out as feces.

What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Cells in the stomach are generally tightly packed when a person is healthy.  However, irritations in the lining of the intestines can lead to problems.  When an irritation in the stomach lining occurs for a prolonged period, holes and tears can develop. Holes in the intestinal wall eventually allow food particles to enter the bloodstream.  This is what is known as ‘Leaky Gut’.

Once food particles enter the bloodstream, the body responds to them as foreign objects.  Antibodies are released to destroy these ‘invaders’.  You now have a situation where you will develop an auto-immune disease. And your body may start attacking any cell in your body.  This ultimately affects your hair, your glands, skin, and other important organs.

What Causes Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Research shows that Leaky Gut Syndrome is caused by much of what we consume.  Dairy, sugar, soy, and grains are the primary culprits of gut irritation.  Other irritants include antibiotics, NSAIDs, alcohol, stress and toxic metals.

Leaky gut syndrome treatment

From my point of view, the only treatment to heal the gut is to change your diet. Moreover, also your lifestyle choices. You have to follow a strict diet such as the autoimmune protocol. This kind of protocol can help to halt auto-immune reactions.

Firstly, I haven’t found any way to heal the gut without some form of animal protein. Animal proteins contain essential nutrients. These nutrients nourish the body and the lining of the gut.

It’s important to eat small amounts of meat or fish to heal. You can also drink lots of bone broth soups.  Bone broth is also known to improve the lining of the gut. It also lowers inflammation in the body. Be sure to include vegetables and some well-chosen carbohydrates. Healthy fats are also very important.

A healthy gut is not only about what you eat, it’s what you absorb

I’ve always said that eating good food is only half the battle. The other half is ensuring that its nutrients are being absorbed properly. As otherwise, what’s the point!? This is where digestive enzymes and Hydrochloride comes in.

A healthy level of hydrochloric acid is essential. This acid aids the digestion of proteins and the absorption of amino acids. Furthermore, it also helps with the extraction of vitamin B12 from our food.

Stomach acid is essential for our immune system

The level of acid in our bodies can become depleted through leaky gut syndrome. However, supplement HCL can help to increase the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Stomach acid is essential for our immune system. It kills off any potential pathogenic bugs in our food.

Some of the books and products that helped me get rid of leaky gut syndrome:

Books :

Products & recipes :


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