Can you colour blonde hair with henna?

In this article you will discover all about blonde henna:

  • Do blonde henna and herbal colouring work on blonde hair?
  • Tips for applying “blonde henna”.
  • Oil your hair before you use your blonde henna mixture 
  • Experiment with other natural herbal colouring solutions for blonde shades 
  • DIY natural hair lightening treatment from Holistic Habits 
  • Method for this natural hair lightening treatment 
  • Ditch the toxic chemicals

gorgeous blonde hairIs blonde henna useful? When it comes to herbal hair colouring, you’d be forgiven for assuming that it only applies to dark hair. After all, the most popular ingredients (henna and indigo) create more ominous tones. But blondes can also get in on the action – yes, there is a way to ‘lighten’ your hair without nasty chemicals like bleach, and I’m going to show you how!* 

*A lot of the information gathered here is courtesy of the fantastic Morrocco Method Blog.

First of all, there isn’t any henna in blonde henna. It actually contains a plant called cassia Obovate, (also known as neutral henna). When applied with acidic ingredients like lemon juice, it can impart your hair with blonde shades. You can further boost your blonde with Chamomile and calendula.

Do blonde henna and herbal colouring work on blonde hair? 

Is blonde henna useful? When it comes to green hair colouring, you’d be forgiven for assuming that it only applies to dark hair. After all, the most popular ingredients (henna and indigo) create darker tones. But blondes can also get in on the action – yes, there is a way to ‘lighten’ your hair without nasty chemicals like bleach, and I’m going to show you how!* 

*A lot of the information gathered here is courtesy of the fantastic Morrocco Method Blog.

First of all, there isn’t any henna in blonde henna. It actually contains a plant called cassia obovate, (also known as neutral henna). When applied with acidic ingredients like lemon juice, it can impart your hair with blonde shades. You can further boost your blonde with Chamomile and calendula.

Unlike commercial dyes or bleach, this method is entirely natural, plant-based, paleo, cruelty- free. This can help improve your hair, leaving it shinier and more energetic. Lighter hair, in particular, is prone to damage and can quickly lose its lustre and shine, so you must steer clear of those nasty chemicals.

Now, it’s worth noting that blonde henna can’t actually make you go from brunette to blonde, nor can it give you a platinum blonde colour! But, for those with light hair, it can intensify the tone and give hair a beautiful golden glow. Think sun-kissed, but without being exposed to harmful UV rays 😉

This method can also be used to cover greys and deeply condition the hair giving it a beautiful, healthy shine.

Tips for applying “blonde henna.”

FYI, Khadi has three different shades of readymade “blonde henna mixtures”; golden tint, light blonde, and middle blonde. I have tried the light blonde mixture on my sister’s hair, and she was super happy with the results. It looked very natural and covered all her grey hair. The biggest challenge was to apply it very fast, as after 30 minutes the colour can turn out to strawberry blonde. Phew 🙂

As with all herbal colour treatments, blonde henna will adhere to the hair better if it is immaculate and free of chemicals and residue. As I’ve recommended before, the best way to do this is to wash before Shikakai powder.

The effect of cassia obovata’s dye depends a lot on the environment that you apply it in, particularly the temperature. Blonde henna will release more dye in warm temperatures, and less so in cold climates. To get the most out of your blonde henna spend some time outside, making sure your hair gets enough sun, while the mixed paste is soaking in your hair. The lemon in your henna mixture will also benefit from the light, creating a more intense, sun-kissed effect.

Oil your hair before you apply your blonde henna mixture

Oil your hair before hennaing (in the Moroccan method they recommend adding some oil to the mix, but I’ve never tried this. You can experiment with it but don’t use more than three teaspoons). To ensure a potent tea mixture that lightens your locks, you need to check the colour. It should always be a rich golden tone, indicating that it’s potent enough.

Cassia Obovata may not stick to hair the first-time round. Still, it can stick to itself quite well, creating many layers of cassia Obovata. Think of it as coats of paint, the more coats you put on, the intenser the colour! If your blonde henna still refuses to stick, try a neutral henna treatment first. This will provide a beautiful base of cassia Obovata for your blonde henna dye to stick to.

Experiment with other natural herbal colouring solutions for blonde shades 

I’m not blonde, so I’ve never tried this recipe. Still, I would suggest swapping the coconut oil as it can be very drying and damaging as a standalone oil on some hair types.

If you live in sunny climes, you can also experiment with strong Chamomile or marigold tea. Make the rinse, let it cool off, rinse your hair, and sit in the sun for 30 minutes to an hour before rinsing off one last time.

   Combine 5 drops chamomile essential oil with a tablespoon of sea salt and one-third cup of baking soda. Use warm water to create a paste and apply the mixture to your hair. Massage it into your scalp and at the base of your hair, then allow it to sit for about half an hour before rinsing it out. If you want a bolder effect, keep the paste on as you sit in the sun.

  If you are looking for natural ways to help lighten your hair, you can give Chamomile essential oil a try. You can add a few drops to your Chamomile Hair rinse.

During my research, I also found a great recipe to lighten and deeply nourish your hair from Holistic Habits. This recipe is really amazing!

DIY natural hair lightening treatment from Holistic Habits 

You will need:

  • Raw honey (better to lighten the hair)
  • Cinnamon
  • Olive oil
  • Water (preferably distilled, but tap water works too)
  • Olive oil

Method for this natural hair lightening treatment

Raw honey, olive oil, and cinnamon are natural hydrogen peroxide boosters. Mix all the ingredients listed above, and leave it to sit for one hour before applying evenly on damp hair.

Let it sit for 1 to 2 hours, or even overnight, then wash it out with a gentle shampoo.

Although I don’t have any ambitions to go blonde, I have tried this treatment, and I loved how my hair looked and felt afterwards.

You can view the entire method in a video on the page bottom 

REMEMBER! Don’t expect dramatic results from this gentle natural hair lightening treatment, and you would need to repeat it several times.

Ditch the toxic chemicals

I need to increase awareness of the many toxic chemicals and their dangers that are used in beauty, hair, and health care products these days. Global governments are not placing enough importance on this matter, and I find that worrying.

 I hope you enjoyed reading this post. If you have any more questions about this topic, do not hesitate to pop me a message below.

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