Blending essential oils for beginners

The art of blending essential oils (be warned, it’s addictive!)
Before diving into the world of essential oils, be warned, it’s addictive!
Are you looking for an exhilarating high that’s extremely addictive, completely legal and totally harmless? Say ‘no’ to drugs and ‘yes’ to organic therapeutic grade essential oils! The invigorating feeling of peace and happiness that you get from using a good quality essential is like no other. And, if you get the blend of oils right, it can have an extremely potent effect on your mental and physical state too. Think of essential oils as nature’s little drug that can heal and protect you.
Delving into the world of essential oils and aromatherapy can be intimidating to the uninitiated, and if not used correctly, can be expensive, so it’s essential that you know how to utilise them properly to enjoy the maximum benefits.
Essential oils heal on two levels – physically and mentally
Physically, it can help to cure and prevent common illnesses and some diseases. Mentally, it can positively affect your mood, build up your energy and balance your emotions.
Blending is the most creative and enjoyable part of the aromatherapy world. For certain conditions, the right blending method really matters.
But don’t let that put you off – you don’t need to be a master perfumer to blend essential oils, in fact, it’s pretty simple! All it takes is some trial and error to find a blend that’s right for you, so be persistent.
The therapeutic blending of essential oils
When I first delved into the world of essential oil blending I felt pretty intimidated. How’d I know what quantities of each oil to use? How would the blends affect me? What if it didn’t work? As with every new treatment, I spent some time researching and reading up on it before diving in. What I found was that blending is part science and part art. It requires experimenting and practice – you won’t necessarily get it right the first time around. But there’s also a science behind it – the sequence in which you add the oils, the ratios, it can all affect the chemical properties, fragrance and desired result. A general rule for beginners is to pick oils that are in the same botanical family, as they’ll blend better together.
Therapeutic blending helps emotional issues
Many people turn to essential oils because of its fragrance, but with therapeutic blending, the aim is to help aid physical or emotional issues. When blending it’s also important not to pick oils that contradict each other or could lead to safety issues. For example, a blend used to help combat dandruff should not contain rosemary essential oil if the person using it is pregnant, as this can have an adverse effect.
Common sense should also prevail when creating your essential oil blends
For instance, if you are looking to create a blend that can help cure an illness you shouldn’t spend too much time consumed by the scent as the main aim is to fight off the infection. The fragrance should come secondary. This is why some blends can have a strong or offensive scent.
Another thing to consider once you’ve created your blend is how you plan to ingest it
You can inhale it, massage it on, add it to your bath or mix it with a body lotion. For emotional and mental healing, it is best used with diffusers, and for physical conditions, you could massage it on to the affected areas.
Blending classifications of essential oils
There are four kinds of blending classifications, which will help you know what order and how much of each essential oil you should be blending.
The personifier
It may be the least amount of oil used in your blend, but the personifier certainly packs a small yet powerful punch. It accounts for 1-5% of your blend and has an extremely strong and long-lasting scent. This oil’s dominant properties are also evident in its therapeutic properties.
Examples of essential oils in this classification include :
*cinnamon bark
*clary sage
The enhancer
Acting as more of a ‘carrier’ oil, the enhancer accounts for 50-80% of your blend. It does what it says on the tin – enhances the properties of the other oils in the blend. In order for it not to clash the scent shouldn’t be as sharp as the personifier.
Examples of essential oils in this classification include :
The equaliser
Accounting for 10-15% of your oil blend, the equaliser is merely used to help create balance and synergy with the essential oils in the blend. It also has a less dominant scent.
Examples of essential oils in this classification include:
*roman chamomile
The modifier
The modifier accounts for under 10% of your essential oil blend and also has a mild and short- lasting scent. It is used to harmonise blends.
Examples of essential oils in this classification include :
* lavender
NOTE: sunlight can change the effect of your blends so always store them in in dark-coloured glass bottles. |
As well as including these four types of essential oils, you may want to add a carrier oil to your blend, which acts as the base. This is particularly useful if you’re planning to apply it topically for massage. Make the massage blend in the desired dilution you wish to apply.
The more physical the problem, the less blending matters, however, always try to avoid aromatic disasters.
Empowering others via my anti-ageing wellness platform and holistic health books
I am here to help, empower, enlighten and support you through this journey of good health.
For a few years, I suffered from thinning, lifeless hair that was falling out at a rapid rate and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue, conditions where the thyroid is affected. I had no energy, was exhausted, desperate, and my weight had sky-rocketed.
Enough was enough – I decided to take drastic action and switched to a completely natural and holistic lifestyle, and I also changed the way I eat. The results were astounding, and after a lot of hard work, my health and hair are now healthier and glossier than ever before!
Now, through my holistic wellness books and anti-ageing health platform, I want to enlighten and empower people around the world do the same and regain their health, hair, life, vitality, confidence and beauty!
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