Chlorinated hair: a cause of hair fall?

chlorinated Hair

Chlorinated hair and hair fall; is it connected?

Is swimming in chlorine pools healthy?

Chlorinated hair is a side-effect from swimming in chlorine pools and may cause hair fall. Swimming is an excellent, total-body workout that attracts many professional athletes and novice fitness enthusiasts alike, maybe like you too? I remember those summer months when I was in my teens, always swimming and playing in pools. I remember one summer, or better, by the end of it, my hair turned green, and it was just lifeless and dead. It was breaking, and I had to cut my long hair completely off.

The most common, but not the safest, cleaning method for the water of swimming pools is by adding precise doses of chlorine to the pool. Chlorine is a poison, a poison that can kill a human. Diluted or not, it stays a toxin that is often used as a disinfectant in the household, and it is often added to water systems to reduce bacterial growth. Although disinfection of our drinking water is a necessity, the safety of adding chlorine to our drinking water is raising serious concerns about the health consequences, including dementia in elderly.

Hair fall and Chlorinated hair:

Swimming in chlorine swimming pools has numerous health consequences.

Not only is this chemical bad for your hair that can cause your hair fall, but also has other numerous health consequences when exposed to it too frequently.

Did you know that swimming in chlorinated pools can also cause Hypothyroidism, which in turn can make your hair fall? Did you know this poison is dangerous for people with Chronic Fatigue?

And did you know that the New York College Dentistry University lists tooth enamel erosion as a prime concern?

Hair fall has many causes

Avoid chlorinated hair :

Few key points to remember before you dive into a chlorine pool next time:

  • Long-term exposure may cause asthma.
  • Eye and skin irritation in swimmers
  • When inhaled, it can severely irritate the respiratory system
  • Is toxic enough to be a chemical weapon
  • Inhalation of the gas can cause enough chest pains, eye irritation, increased heartbeat, cough, difficulty breathing, rapid breathing, and death.
  • Exposure would be a very traumatic experience
  • Hair may become dry and brittle
  • Chlorine sucks sebum out of hair shaft
  • Skin rashes and itches
  • hair fall

Although I was always a big fan of swimming, during my search of healing my chronic illnesses, I decided a few years ago that I am not swimming anymore in chlorine pools (unless on occasion)

I would like to make a statement, and I hope that soon enough all the governments around the world are going to wake up and start using ozone systems for water systems and pools. These kind of water systems are beneficial for our whole body. I don’t understand why these old fashioned and super dangerous poisons are still allowed!

If you would like to learn about all the hair loss causes I gathered during my research, ensure to check out my hair-loss causes page on this link. 

Empowering others via my anti-ageing wellness platform and holistic health books

I hope you liked this article about chlorinated hair dangers. If you would like to learn more about my tips and tricks on how to live a toxin-free life or how I saved my hair from falling ensure to check out other pages of this anti-ageing wellness platform.

Or if you want to discover my no BS guides on how to regain your health, hair and life, ensure to check out my holistic wellness books on this link.

After a frustrating decade of battling several chronic illnesses, I became disillusioned with the medical system and decided to take my health into my own hands.

Now, through my books and wellness platform, I want to empower people around the world do the same and regain their health, hair, life and beauty!

Now, through my holistic wellness books and anti-ageing health platform, I want to enlighten and empower people around the world do the same and regain their health, hair, life, vitality, confidence and beauty!

I am also sharing 5 FREE WELLNESS GUIDES, to learn the first steps to become healthier and happier. 


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