Lyme disease and hair loss: is there a connection?
Lyme disease and hair loss can be connected For starters, in this article, you can discover how Lyme Disease and hair loss may be related. Second, Lyme disease is a...
Lyme disease and hair loss can be connected For starters, in this article, you can discover how Lyme Disease and hair loss may be related. Second, Lyme disease is a...
What causes a leaky gut syndrome? Leaky gut syndrome causes and tests? Research shows that Leaky Gut Syndrome is caused by much of what we consume. Dairy, sugar, soy and...
My relationship with food: my path from a high-carb to a high-fat keto diet Switching from high carb to high fat with a keto diet was an interesting journey. My...
Summary of the blog topics Digestive and systemic enzymes for proper circulation and improved hair growth. What are digestive and systemic enzymes? Digestive and systemic enzyme depletion increases the risk...
What is the thyroid gland and how does it work? You’ve probably heard about the thyroid gland before, but do you even know what it is and what it does?! The...
Healing boost with celery: of potent and anti-inflammatory herb How to get a healing boost with celery? It is one of the most potent anti-inflammatory foods because it has the...
What causes chronic inflammation? Inflammation is a response to foreign objects, pathogens, or damage to the cells in our body. It’s a sign of a healthy, robust immune system and...
Autoimmune protocol: what is an anti-inflammation diet? Now that you know about the dangers of chronic inflammation, let's look at how the autoimmune protocol diet can help you heal. Dr...