Four Detox Drinks

DRY January? 4 Detox Drinks to get you through the rest of the month!

How are you getting on with your new year’s resolutions? Chances are that after indulging over the festive holiday period you swore January would be better and that 2018 would be the year you finally got fit, healthy and lived a cleaner, more holistic life.

Easier said than done!

If you’ve already fallen off the bandwagon fret not my dear – I have come up with four detox drinks that are incredibly good for you and taste nice! These detox drinks will help clear your system, giving you loads of energy to face the rest of the month and year. Cheers!

Swap your coffee with a Hot Lemon Drink

Swap your usual caffeine fix for a daily morning dose of hot lemon water. This simple yet effective drink can help flush toxins out of your system, neutralize your body and cleanse the bloodstream. It’s also absurdly easy to make and has so many more amazing health benefits. Simply add a wedge of lemon to a cup of hot water and drink.

Unlike a morning cup of coffee, hot lemon water will leave you feeling hydrated as it’s considered to be a natural diuretic. This will also help keep your urinary tract healthy and improve liver health. Citruses like lemon can also boost your immune system and make it easier to absorb other nutrients and vitamins. Lemons are also a fantastic source of Vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. Other benefits of drinking hot lemon include:

High in Vitamin C

Our body doesn’t produce Vitamin C so it’s essential that we get it from our food and drink. Thankfully lemons are packed with this super-vitamin. Vitamin C can boost your immune health, keeping colds at bay. It also stimulates the production of white blood cells, which is vital for a healthy immune system.

Heals the skin and body

Lemon water can help clear your skin, leaving it looking fresh and glowing. The high Vitamin C content means it can fight off free radicals trying to attack our skin and help produce enough collagen to ward off premature ageing and wrinkles. *Pours glass of lemon water immediately*

Helps with weight loss

One of the biggest benefits of drinking lemon water, and reason why it’s such a popular choice is that it can help you shed the pounds. This is due to the pectin found in lemons. Pectin is a fibre, found in most fruits that can help you feel fuller for longer, so you’re less likely to reach for a snack.

Boosts energy and mood

Lemon water is a great alternative to your regular caffeine fix as it can boost your energy levels and lighten your mood. It’s refreshing, zingy scent can also leave you feeling calmer and happier.

Side note: The acid found in lemons may ruin your teeth enamel so make sure you have this drink before brushing as the overnight bacteria in your teeth will protect it. You should also use a straw and rinse your mouth with baking soda afterwards to neutralize any acid left on your teeth.

Apple Cider Vinegar Tea

You’ve probably heard a lot about Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) as it’s soared in popularity over the last twelve months. This trendy ingredient has become incredibly popular as a weight loss fix, and although it’s hot stuff right now, ACV was used all the way back in 400 BC by Hippocrates to treat his patients.

Today it can be used as a detox drink to help control your blood sugar levels and manage your weight. The enzymes in apple cider vinegar are especially good for naturally lowering blood pressure and consuming any starches from your diet. In fact, this potent ingredient only requires you to take 1-2 tablespoons to reap its health benefits.

Dr Axe recommends consuming this drink three times a day, 20 minutes before meals for two weeks, then consuming it one time a day before breakfast or lunch. Apple cider vinegar comes from fermented apple cider. The fermentation process causes it to create healthy probiotics and enzymes.

To make Apple Cider Vinegar tea add one tablespoon of ACV and one tablespoon of raw honey to a cup of hot water. Finish with a squeeze of lemon and drink. The acid from the vinegar can help stop the starch in your body from breaking down so less calories enter into your bloodstream.

Other great benefits of drinking apple cider vinegar include:

Balancing blood sugar levels

ACV could help regulate blood sugar levels by increasing our insulin sensitivity. Insulin transports the sugar in our bloodstream to use as fuel. High levels of insulin could cause insulin resistance, which leads to high blood sugar or even diabetes. However, Apple Cider Vinegar tea isn’t a miracle drink. To keep your blood sugar levels balanced you need to moderate your carbohydrate intake and do regular exercise.

Clearing the skin

Studies have found that Apple Cider Vinegar can help treat acne and keep our skin clear. This is largely due to its antibacterial properties, which can help ward off harmful bacteria. It also contains acetic acid, lactic acid, and citric acid, which can inhibit the growth of bacteria that causes acne.

Treating Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is caused by the backflow of acid from the stomach and can lead to heartburn and nausea. This is caused by low levels of stomach acid. Apple Cider Vinegar can combat these symptoms by creating more acid in the digestive tract.

Ginger lemon tea; a fantastic detox drink

Ginger lemon tea is a fantastic detox drink to help treat a range of illnesses in the stomach, including indigestion, cramps and nausea. Ginger has been used in health tonics for thousands of years in the east and far east because of its natural healing properties and today it remains one of the most popular ingredients for detox drinks. The magic component found in ginger that makes it so good for us is called Gingerol

To make it simply add some freshly chopped ginger root to a cup of boiled water and stir in a teaspoon of lemon juice. This daily morning fix can also boost energy levels, help keep excess weight off and give you fresh, glowing skin. Other benefits of this detox drink also include:

Heart disease and stroke prevention – ginger contains anti-clotting properties which could potentially help keep fatal illnesses like heart disease at bay.

Relieves symptoms of indigestion and nausea – ginger is most well-known for helping relieve nausea, morning sickness and other stomach problems. This is due to its ability to relax the muscles in your gut lining, which can help food move through your system more easily. Ginger can also support digestion through its prebiotics content, a plant-based fibre that promotes the growth of good bacteria in our digestive tract.

Immune system boost – ginger is effective in helping break down the build-up of toxins in our body. These toxins can lead to a number of health issues such as infections and respiratory problems.

Natural pain relief – ginger can reduce inflammation, which is the root cause of so many illnesses and diseases. In fact, recent studies have found that just a small amount of ginger can be more effective than the drugstore painkillers. For this reason alone, we should all drink ginger tea on a daily basis!

Turmeric Detox Drink, a great anti-inflammatory

There are so many amazing benefits associated to tumeric that you’d be crazy not to include it in your detox! This popular spice is found in most Indian dishes and has been used as a healing aid for centuries.Some would even go as far to say it is the most powerful herb on the planet, with the ability to reverse disease and fight off all kinds of illnesses! However, it’s only recently that the western world caught up and are enjoying its numerous benefits. In fact, studies have found that, when lined up against mainstream medicine turmeric came up equal or better!

To make this potent detox drink mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a pinch of cayenne pepper, a teaspoon of Apple Cider Vinegar, a cup of fresh grapefruit juice, some ice, mint and filtered water. Add the first four ingredients to a jar and shake well before adding the ice, mint and water. Sip and enjoy.

Turmeric has numerous benefits making it the ideal ingredient to add to a detox drink. This includes helping to combat inflammation, reduce the risk of cancer, stop bloat and gas, relieving arthritis symptoms and keeping your heart healthy. The cayenne pepper boosts your metabolism and grapefruit juice is packed with vitamin C, which can help keep your immune system healthy. There are so many more benefits of turmeric that I could probably write an entire chapter or book on the subject (hey, maybe I will!) but for now let’s look at the most common:

Fights depression – studies on animals have found that turmeric can positively boost mood and ward off mental health issues, especially mild depression.

Fights inflammation – researchers have claimed that turmeric can prevent or even reverse diseases and the reason behind this may be due to its anti-inflammatory properties. As I’ve mentioned so many times before, inflammation is the root cause of most diseases, so to be able to keep this at bay can help heal a range of illnesses.

Promotes healthy, glowing skin – turmeric contains antioxidant properties which can help keep your skin looking clear and luminous, as well as battling acne and scarring.

These are just a few of my picks for a healthy detox drink. You may want to experiment with flavours to find one that you like the taste of, but just remember to include one of the superfoods mentioned above to enjoy the maximum benefits. Good luck!

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