Eating disorders (anorexia / bulimia) | hair shedding

Hair Shedding

Eating disorders can cause hair shedding

First, eating disorders come in many forms, regardless of age and gender. Second, binge eating, anorexia nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are serious (often life-threatening). Furthermore, eating disorders are serious illnesses that affect a huge number of people around the globe. Yearly many young (or older) people die from this awful disease. Both males and females suffer from eating disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia.

Eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia are most well-known

The most common well-known eating disorders are bulimia. This is where food is purged after eating. Also,  often combined with the excessive use of laxatives. Or anorexia, where food intake is severely limited. Because of this, patients often get seriously underweight. Even to the level they can die or get heart attacks and so on.

Eating disorders need extensive therapy to help you cure as otherwise, you might not survive

Without serious therapy or even rehab, eating disorders can be a problem for the sufferer indefinitely. On top of that, the ramifications on the body are numerous. I had bulimia for many years and the recovery was long and hard. And I am happy I survived and am alive today.

Eating disorders and hair shedding

Further, because the hair process is considered ‘non-essential’, it’s certainly possible that an eating disorder can cause excess hair shedding.

The hair shedding can be due to the extreme stress of the eating disorder. Or due to lack of nutrients or the absorption of the foods or other inconveniences, such diseases can cause to our bodies. Therefore, the body may restrict its access to essential energy-forming foods. This is where the hair may enter the telogen (resting) stage of the cycle.

I suffered from an eating disorder too for many many years

Note: I had had an eating disorder myself, which had started when I was 15 years old until the age of 30 / 32. It took me many years of intensive therapy to get myself well. Moreover, today I am grateful I survived and got well. It took me incredibly hard work and dedication. Today I have a healthy weight and a healthy relation to food. I think I may call myself a foodie these days. A healthy one though.

Note: In the years when I had my eating disorder, I never suffered from hair loss.

If you would like to learn more about hair loss, please check out my hair loss causes page.

Books that helped me through this awful period :

  • Starving In Search of Me: A Coming-of-Age Story of Overcoming An Eating Disorder and Finding Self-Acceptance, by Marissa Larocca
  • Mothers Who Can’t Love: A Healing Guide for Daughters, by Susan Forward
  • Toxic Parents: Overcoming Their Hurtful Legacy and Reclaiming Your Life
  • Food Crazy Mind: 5 Simple Steps to Stop Mindless Eating and Start a Healthier, Happier Relationship with Food, by Davina Chessid
  • Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too

Empowering others via my anti-ageing wellness platform and holistic health books

I hope you liked this short article about the relation between hair loss and eating disorders.

If you would like to learn more about my clean living and how I saved my life from being chronically ill and tired to the lively person I am today, ensure to check out other pages of this anti-ageing wellness platform.

Or if you want to discover my no BS guides on how to regain your health, hair and life, ensure to check out my holistic anti-ageing wellness books.

After a frustrating decade of battling several chronic illnesses, I became disillusioned with the medical system and decided to take my health into my own hands.

Now, through my books and wellness platform, I want to empower people around the world do the same and regain their health, hair, life and beauty!

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