Heal adrenal fatigue with t3 thyroid hormone

heal adrenal fatigue

Heal adrenal fatigue with T3 hormone, a breakthrough from Paul Robinson

Heal adrenal fatigue with T3 hormone was a remarkable breakthrough in my health recovery. Paul Robinson is the author of The ‘Recovering with T3’ book, and the CTM3 Handbook This book provides a comprehensive background on T3 and its safe and effective use in the treatment of hypothyroidism that has not responded to T4 based medications (even though blood test results might be normal). He is also editor and owner of the website http://recoveringwitht3.com/, which contains a range of information on T3, his books, patient success stories and my blog.

Thanks to Paul’s invention, I could wean of Hydro-cortisone and heal adrenal fatigue. A drug that was making me ill. This man saved my life, and I will be forever grateful to him and his work. In my opinion, his work should be considered a Nobel Price. Hopefully one day it will happen after the medicine world is waking up and opening their eyes.

Below is an article of how we got to know each other in the times I was very ill and his guest article about his disease and his fabulous work.

Recovering my adrenal glands with T3 hormone

I began talking to Sandra on an Internet forum around six years ago. It was very clear that she was extremely unwell and she wrote me while she was in Philadelphia, too tired and exhausted to fly back to Europe. She was crashing mentally and physically. She had been struggling with thyroid problems for a number of years at that time but had only been diagnosed officially for about three years.  Her diagnosis also included low cortisol (partial adrenal insufficiency). Sandra had already seen several doctors, and none of the treatments that she had been offered were working well.

Sandra was one of the first persons who found out about Recovering with T3

My ‘Recovering with T3′ book was published in 2011 and Sandra must have been one of the people who noticed it on the group’s board and bought it within the first few months it was available. It was once she had read it that Sandra first found me and contacted me on an Internet forum. At that time she was taking natural desiccated thyroid (NDT), which is a mixture of natural T4 and T3 extracted from pigs’ thyroid glands, and hydrocortisone (HC) to help raise her cortisol levels. She was still suffering from extreme hypothyroid-like symptoms, panic attacks, weight gain, depression, etc and all the treatments she had been offered so far had failed to resolve them. Sandra was desperate to heal adrenal fatigue.

T3 monotherapy saved my life and helped me heal my adrenal glands to function on its own again

Once Sandra had read my book and talked to me through the Internet forum then she took the plunge to adopt a T3-monotherapy approach and to use the CT3M part of the method explained in my book.

Weaning off hydrocortisone in few weeks time with T3 monotherapy. This saved my life!

I continued to chat to Sandra regularly and gave her a little support as she adopted this approach and swapped over from NDT and hydrocortisone to T3-only. The results were amazing! Within two weeks the combination of the use of T3-only and the CT3M enabled Sandra’s own adrenal function to improve significantly, and she was able to cease the use of HC.

Hydrocortisone was making me ill, fat, depressed, bloated and suicidal!

This was amazing as she was already trying to wean off from this drug for many months, as she felt this drug was making her more ill and fat. Her symptoms had greatly improved and her energy level although not perfect were so much better.

Sandra’s experience is not unusual at all. Many thousands of thyroid patients have managed to recover their health through the use of T3-monotherapy.

Many patients could get well through the use of the biologically active thyroid hormone – T3

Sandra is still using T3-monotherapy today, and it continues to be a critical part of her recovery, although I know she has had to work on many aspects of her health also. It is really fantastic to see that she is now passing her experience and knowledge along to others through this book. I am also delighted that my book has in some part enabled her to do this.

Many people could benefit from T3 monotherapy to heal their adrenal fatigue or hypothyroid symptoms

My view is that many more patients all over the world could benefit from the use of T3-only when other thyroid treatments have failed to work. Too often people are told that they are on the correct treatment with T4 (Levothyroxine or Synthroid), and that their blood test results are normal.

So their problems must be due to some other condition e.g. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Many of these people could get well through the use of the biologically active thyroid hormone – T3.

Heal adrenal fatigue: introduction Why T3 Monotherapy is Needed for Some Thyroid Patients

Read Paul Robinson’s story:

When I was around thirty years of age, I developed Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and was given synthetic T4 thyroid medication known as Synthroid in the USA, Levothyroxine in the UK and various other brand names in other countries. However, this synthetic T4 treatment left me with all the same symptoms that I had when I was first diagnosed. Over several years the symptoms devastated my life, and ultimately it cost me my career and severely affected my family life.

I tried many things to get well while on T4 treatment, which included taking vitamins, minerals and other supplements, going gluten and dairy free and reducing my stress levels.

Nothing worked. I remained desperately fatigued and with many of the other classic symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Doctors said thyroid blood tests were normal

During the T4 treatment, the many doctors that I went to get help from always told me that my thyroid blood tests were normal.

Eventually, I was told that I would have to ‘live’ with my condition and that some other problem was probably causing it. This ‘other’ problem was not given a name, and no attempt was made by my doctors and various endocrinologists to uncover this ‘other’ problem.

Doctors told me I have chronic fatigue Syndrome

Some doctors told me that I had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, or ME and that there was nothing that they could do to help me. In actual fact it wasn’t a different problem, it was just hypothyroidism that was not responding to synthetic T4 replacement therapy.

Eventually, I reached a point in my illness when I had thyroid and adrenal issues. I had lost over one-third of my body weight, and I was frequently passing out due to low blood pressure. Virtually speaking, I was an invalid and slept for four to six hours in the daytime, as well as at night. I could barely walk around and getting up the stairs was difficult.

Heal adrenal fatigue: at a cellular level, it is the T3 thyroid hormone that keeps us alive and well. T3 allows every cell in our body to function at the right rate

I began to do my own research and even read a number of endocrinology textbooks. It became very apparent to me that T4 is not the primary biologically active thyroid hormone – it is only weakly effective in its own right. The main biologically active thyroid hormone is called triiodothyronine, and its synthetic equivalent is known as Liothyronine Sodium, but it is frequently referred to as simply T3.

Heal adrenal fatigue with T3 thyroid hormone that keeps us alive and well.

Heal adrenal fatigue; at a cellular level, it is the T3 thyroid hormone that keeps us alive and well. T3 allows every cell in our body to function at the right rate. Without it, we would fall into comas and eventually die.

The body needs T3 hormone in order to function well and survive

In a healthy person, the T4 produced by the thyroid gland is converted in the liver and other tissues into the T3 that is needed. However, some people find that something goes wrong and no matter how much T4 they have (from medication or their own thyroid gland) then they simply remain with symptoms of hypothyroidism.

Healing adrenal glands and thyroid glands is not possible with T4 only therapy

Having done my research, I was convinced that having a trial of T3 would be a good thing to do. This would prove one way or another that I was still suffering from hypothyroidism even though I was on T4 treatment. I eventually managed to locate a doctor who was prepared to try other treatments than the standard T4 medication.

T4 was stopped, and I was given trials of natural desiccated thyroid medication and, when this did not work, I was prescribed synthetic T4 together with synthetic T3.
None of these alternative treatments corrected my symptoms even though my thyroid blood test levels all looked perfect.

My hypothyroid symptoms remained

I remained with symptoms that included: exhaustion, weakness, dry skin, dry hair and digestive system problems. My mind felt like it was in a mist, I could not think entirely clearly and had low blood pressure. At the start of my illness I had put a lot of weight on, but as partial adrenal insufficiency became part of my issues, I lost weight, became weaker and began passing out frequently.

After all therapies failed, I was finally prescribed T3-monotherapy

When everything else failed I was prescribed T3-monotherapy (T3-only) and only then did I began to get well. However, it still took me three years to learn how to use T3 correctly, as it is not as simple to find the correct dosage as T4.  In total it took me about ten years to recover from the start of my hypothyroidism. I lost a decade of my life when my children were young. It then took me several more years to be able to reflect on and communicate my experience with T3 and how T3 can be used safely and more effectively.

It took me ten years to recover from hypothyroidism

In total it took me about ten years to recover from the start of my hypothyroidism. I lost a decade of my life when my children were young. It then took me several more years to be able to reflect on and communicate my experience with T3 and how T3 can be used safely and more effectively.

Heal adrenal fatigue with T3-monotherapy treatment

T3 monotherapy is sometimes required as some problems can occur at the cellular level that other thyroid medication cannot correct the problems.

Many doctors are taught that the only necessary thyroid hormone replacement is levothyroxine (synthetic T4) and they never prescribe T3. However, for some thyroid patients, T3 may be the only thyroid hormone that will enable them to regain their health. Some doctors also fear the use of T3 because they mistakenly believe it causes problems like high heart rate or osteoporosis. T3 can cause problems, as can all thyroid hormones, but invariably any problems are caused by its incorrect use.

Thyroid blood tests always reveal actual thyroid hormone activity is a medical MYTH!!!

Another medical myth is that thyroid blood tests always reveal actual thyroid hormone activity. In reality, these laboratory tests can only measure the levels of thyroid hormones circulating in the bloodstream, and they cannot show how effectively the thyroid hormones are actually acting inside our cells. It is such myths and the lack of a wider range of available thyroid hormone treatments that condemns thousands of thyroid patients to a permanent hell of hypothyroidism.

T3 monotherapy was my salvation

T3-monotherapy treatment is sometimes required as some problems can occur at the cellular level that other thyroid medication cannot correct. In my own case, T3 was my salvation. However, T3 ‘s hard to use and so I eventually but my experience and knowledge of how to use T3 into my books ‘Recovering with T3’ and ‘The CT3M Handbook’.

Thyroid Blood Test Results on T3 Treatment

I have used T3 only now for around twenty years supported by my family doctor and endocrinologist. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis has destroyed my own thyroid gland. Consequently, the 60 micrograms of T3 I take per day in four separate doses produces rather strange thyroid blood test results even though I am perfectly well. My TSH is near 0 mU/L. My FT3 is about 9 nmol/L (top of my labs’ range is around 6.5), and my FT4 is near 0 pmol/L.

Doctors think I am hyperthyroid

Most family doctors and endocrinologists would be extremely unhappy with these results and say I was hyperthyroid or even suffering from thyrotoxicosis but I am not. At the cellular level, my body is getting just the right amount of FT3 I need, even though in my bloodstream it is high. This raises a fundamental point that is at the heart of many issues in thyroid treatment today.

Heal adrenal fatigue: the patient and their symptoms and response to treatment should be the focus and thyroid blood test results should be secondary at best.

Laboratory testing of thyroid hormones and simplistic diagnostic work based on this is leaving many thyroid patients with chronic symptoms associated with hypothyroidism. Sometimes, thyroid blood test results should not be the focal point for a doctor trying to get a thyroid patient well. Sometimes, the patient and their symptoms and response to treatment should be the focus and thyroid blood test results should be secondary at best.

My T3 Dosage Management Process and CT3M

The ‘Recovering with T3’ book presents a safe, effective and systematic process for using the T3 thyroid hormone when other forms of thyroid hormone replacement have failed. The T3 Dosage Management Process that the book presents is a method for using T3 in divided doses to provide only enough T3 at any time to rectify the patient’s symptoms.

This approach covers essential diagnostic lab work that needs to be performed, supplementation with important vitamins and minerals and a detailed process that may be followed when using T3.

Recover from adrenal fatigue without the dirty drug hydrocortisone

Part of the T3 Dosage Management Process described in ‘Recovering with T3’ includes a radically new protocol for using T3 in order to regulate the function of the adrenal glands and help them to function properly without the use of any adrenal steroids (like hydrocortisone) or adrenal glandulars. This protocol is called the circadian T3 method (abbreviated as CT3M).

Correct adrenal glands function with T3 monotherapy

The CT3M corrected my own adrenal function and enabled the T3 I took during the daytime to work properly. I got my health back and in the process, I discovered how to use T3 optimally. The CT3M is a breakthrough, and it is now being used by thyroid patients who have adrenal issues, and in many cases, it is allowing them to recover their health after years or even decades of illness.

The CT3M helps to support the natural circadian action of the adrenal glands and requires thyroid medication that contains T3.  Once low adrenal function has been confirmed (ideally with a twenty-four-hour adrenal saliva test), then the CT3M may be used.

The basic idea behind the CT3M is to address low levels of the active thyroid hormone (T3) in the adrenal glands when they are producing their highest volume of cortisol. The CT3M is an ‘adrenal boost’!

In recent years there has been research that confirms that T3 thyroid hormone peaks in the body when the adrenal glands begin to work hard in the early hours of the morning. These research findings support the ideas behind the CT3M. The research article is titled “Free triiodothyronine has a distinct circadian rhythm that is delayed but parallels thyrotropin levels.” and is published in J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 93(6):2300-6. June 2008. A link to the abstract is: http://jcem.endojournals.org/content/93/6/2300. The research basically says that after TSH has peaked each day around midnight, that FT3 also peaks some hours later.

The CT3M is aimed at replicating nature and restoring a good level of T3 when the adrenal glands begin to produce high levels of cortisol.

Unfortunately, the medical profession still largely ignores T3 thyroid hormone replacement, sometimes due to lack of information. The human cost of this slow progress is great. As a result of recognising this, I began to take part in thyroid forums on the Internet a number of years ago. This is how I came to meet Sandra.

Resources Paul Robinson Provides

Here are some resources available for thyroid patients considering using T3:

  1.  The ‘Recovering with T3’ book, which is available on Amazon, The Book Depository, Barnes and Noble and other Internet booksellers. This book provides a comprehensive background on T3 and its safe and effective use in the treatment of hypothyroidism that has not responded to T4 based medications (even though blood test results might be normal).
  2. The CT3M Handbook‘, which is also available from Internet booksellers. This book provides more information on the Circadian T3 Method of treating partial adrenal insufficiency (adrenal fatigue).
  3. My website: http://recoveringwitht3.com/, which contains a range of information on T3, my books, patient success stories and my blog.

Empowering others via my anti-ageing wellness platform and holistic health books

I hope you liked this heal adrenal fatigue article. If you would like to learn more about my tips and tricks on how I saved my life from being chronically ill and tired to the lively person I am today, ensure to check out other pages of this anti-ageing wellness platform.

Or if you want to discover my no BS guides on how to regain your health, hair and life, ensure to check out my holistic wellness books on this link.

After a frustrating decade of battling several chronic illnesses, I became disillusioned with the medical system and decided to take my health into my own hands.

Now, through my books and wellness platform, I want to empower people around the world do the same and regain their health, hair, life and beauty!

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