Meal replacement shake for busy people

Mega healthy meal replacement shake for busy people
I love this meal replacement shake because it is easy to take along when I am on the road. It is mega healthy and gives me loads of energy.
During summer months when the days are long and hot, I often stick to refreshing home-made meal shakes. When it’s very hot we often don’t want to eat too much and a fresh shake comes in handy.
On top of being easy and fresh, they are nutritious and delicious.
Ingredients for this meal replacement shake
• ¼ to half banana, depending on your taste. I find half a banana is too sweet
• 1tsp matcha-powder
• Half an avocado (or whole avocado if it’s very small)
• 1 tbsp of bee-pollen, soaked in some lemon juice for 5 minutes
• Ice-cubes (especially in the summertime)
• Add approx one cup of coconut milk (there are several options of 35 kcal per 100 Ml, 90 kcal per 100 ml or even full fat of 250 per
100 ml. If you are trying to lose weight, be mindful as this shake adds up easily in kcal.)
• Add protein shake. I use a vanilla flavour from a company called Nuzest, which are raw and Paleo-friendly.
• You could also add a touch of the summer cooler water for flavour (remember, just a touch!)
• Optional: to really super-charge your shake considers adding half a teaspoon of Royal Jelly
Method for this meal replacement shake
1. Blitz it all up in a blender until it reaches a pudding-like consistency mix. I prefer this thicker texture as I can eat it and imagine
that it’s actually an amazing pudding that I’m having!
Hope you will enjoy this simple, easy and delicious meal replacement shake. (Paleo and Keto)
Empowering others via my anti-ageing wellness platform and holistic health books
I hope you liked this meal replacement shake. If you would like to learn more about holistic living and clean beauty lifestyle, ensure to check out other pages of this anti-ageing wellness platform.
I changed the way I eat in 2011 when I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue and adrenal fatigue, conditions where the thyroid is affected. I had no energy, was exhausted, desperate, and my weight had sky-rocketed.
Because of that, I decided to ditch sugars, processed foods, grains, dairy and toxic chemicals. And step-by-step, I introduced a whole-foods-based (first Paleo) and later an AIP (autoimmune protocol) friendly ketogenic approach to food which gave me my life, vitality, happiness and energy back!
Now, through my holistic wellness books and anti-ageing health platform, I want to empower people around the world do the same and regain their health, hair, life, vitality and beauty!