Sex hormone imbalances: (thinning hair, hair loss, low sex drive)
How sex hormone imbalances cause thinning hair low sex drive and hair loss
Sex hormone imbalances can cause several health problems. This includes hair thinning, hair loss, and also low sex drive. For many people, their hair is a source of great pride and one of the most important accessories that they own. So much of our lives is spent taking care of our hair. Obviously, when things start to go wrong, and you are suffering from hair thinning, and it begins to fall out, it can be devastating.
The first question any woman asks when they begin losing hair or suffer from hair thinning is, why?
The hormonal changes that take place at different stages of our life can contribute to hair loss and hair thinning in women. Whether you have just given birth, reached menopause, or are going through some other type of hormonal changes, chances are your hair is falling out.
Sex hormones imbalances and Hormonal problems are linked to hair loss
Hormones and sex hormones are invisible yet powerful forces that run through the human body. They affect how you feel, how you function, and how you look.
The hormonal changes that take place at different stages of our life can contribute to hair loss and hair thinning in women. Whether you have just given birth, reached menopause, or are going through some other type of hormonal changes, chances are your hair is falling out. Hormones are invisible yet powerful forces that run through the human body. They affect how you feel, how you function, and how you look.
“Sex hormone issues are common in women with hypothyroidism” explains Dana Trinity, from the Hypothyroid mom” and even more reason why they should be part of thyroid testing for every person presenting with thyroid issues.”
Here are some of the ways that sex hormone imbalances can wreak havoc on your hair:
Sex hormone imbalances and estrogen dominance: a cause of hair thinning
Thousands of women are diagnosed every day with Oestrogen Dominance, yet there is little information out there about this condition. This usually occurs in women in their mid-thirties, when progesterone levels begin to fall quicker than the estrogen levels. If left untreated this can lead to migraines, fluid retention, fibrocystic breast disease, heavy, painful periods, hair loss, thinning hair, endometriosis, and functional hypothyroidism. It can also lead to an increased risk of breast cancer.
Oestrogen is an essential hormone for women of all ages. It affects the way you feel. At the right levels, estrogen energizes you, improves your mood, and stimulates a healthy sex drive. Too much estrogen, however, can cause a whole host of problems. You might experience weight gain, toxicity (from endocrine disruptors), and perimenopause. It can also cause your hair to thin and fall out. Estrogen peaks during and after pregnancy, then it can fall suddenly. This may result in sudden, unexpected hair loss for many women.
STEVEN F. HOTZE, M.D further explains how this can affect the thyroid: “Oestrogen dominance causes the liver to produce high levels of a protein called ‘thyroid binding globulin’, which, as its name suggests, binds the thyroid hormone and decreases the amount of thyroid hormone that can be assimilated into and utilized by the cells. What does this lead to? Low thyroid function and all of the negative side effects that come along with it.”
Insulin Resistance-linked to Androgenic Alopecia?
Insulin is an important hormone that has the task of keeping your blood sugar levels regulated. It ensures that your blood never has too much or too little sugar.
Insulin is also responsible for fat storage and the health of your heart. Your hair and its ability to grow is also affected by the insulin hormone. Women with insulin resistance are highly likely to suffer from androgenic alopecia (AGA), also known as female pattern baldness.
Hormones and Thyroid Woes
Many women suffer from thyroid imbalances. Low thyroid is a frequent cause of hair loss in women.
One of the things that your body does as a survival mechanism is to direct nutrition, strength and energy to your most critical systems when nourishment is scarce. Unfortunately for women, hair is not considered essential to survival and therefore is often sacrificed to take care of more KEY areas of your body.
If you think that you have a thyroid problem it’s important to get it tested. Women that suffer from hypothyroidism are more likely to have problems with sex hormones.
Sex hormone imbalances: high testosterone in women linked to hair loss
With men, high levels of testosterone mean: big, athletic, and hairy. On the other hand, for women, too much testosterone comes with all sorts of unwanted problems, including hair growth on the face, chest, neck, and hair loss on your head. Not sexy.
Did you know that women can have too much testosterone, and those that do can suffer hair loss?
All women produce testosterone. This hormone increases our confidence, uplifts our mood, and keeps us feeling energetic. The menopause, weight gain, and other physical conditions can lead to women having too much testosterone in their system. When this happens, they experience male-pattern balding and even hair growth on their face. Strangely, low testosterone can also lead to hair loss in women.
As you can see, testosterone can be quite troublesome if it doesn’t remain balanced. Recent studies indicate that an increase in an androgen hormone called, DiHydroxytestosterone (DHT) also leads to hair loss. Not every doctor will know about this, which is why it’s important for you to read blogs like this and to advocate for yourself, based on the things we learn here.
When an individual suffers from male pattern baldness, DHT appears to attach itself to their hair follicles. When this happens over an extended period of time, it reduces the size of hair follicles to the point that they stop functioning. This process also stops new hair growth.
Your diet and the food you eat has an impact on three factors that influence male pattern balding: insulin, metabolic syndrome and DHT. Some foods that you eat will raise your insulin levels. These reactions then increase the amount of DHT in your system as well. Foods that increase your insulin levels are also likely to lead to metabolic syndrome.
Dr Josh Axe, medical researcher and editor of his health website, has a very helpful video – ‘6 Secrets for Reversing Hair Loss’ in which he says that research shows hair loss is linked to an increase in DHT.
Watch it here: [youtube][/youtube]
Keep sex hormone imbalances and bay
Maintaining your luscious hair and hormones
Hair loss can lead to depression and anxiety, so it’s essential to stop it in its track as soon as possible.
Below are three ways to get to the root of your hair loss:
1. Get the necessary tests and don’t postpone.
Be proactive when talking to your doctor about your hair loss. They may have some ideas about to handle it, but it’s your body. It’s important to ask for the tests you believe will help. I recommend that you begin with testing your iron levels, your fasting glucose levels, and your blood count to see whether you are anaemic. With these tests, you will gain a comprehensive, well-rounded view of what’s happening with you hormonally.
2. Eat a clean, nutritious diet.
Any attempt to improve your health must include improvements in the food that you eat. Work at adding fibre to your diet. Fibre helps your body to eliminate oestrogen when necessary. Aside from that, try to aim for a diet that is high in protein, low in carbohydrates, and that is packed with vegetables. A diet like this helps you combat insulin resistance, which is a major contributor to hair loss.
3. Pop a quality multivitamin
Nutrition is key to overcoming hair loss. Think about all of the vitamins that contribute to your hair being strong, healthy and attractive. Your hair follicles use vitamin A for fat synthesis, Vitamin B makes your hair thick and strong, Vitamin C and zinc restores any cellular damage to your hair and Vitamin E offers protection for your hair cells. A quality multivitamin will ensure you get all of the daily vitamins you need for strong, healthy hair.
There is no single solution to overcome hair loss. The best way to begin fighting it is by laying a foundation of good, holistic living. Reinforce your health through diet, get the tests you need, try to understand any hormonal changes and continue to inform yourself of holistic, organic, and healthy solutions to hair loss.
4. Get tested:
True Health Labs offers sex hormone testing for women and men, including DHT in the U.S. They also offer women and men sex hormone testing in Europe.
If you would like to read about the 55 hair loss causes, please ensure to check out this link.
Or to discover more information about optimal health and living a holistic lifestyle, click here.
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After a frustrating decade of battling several chronic illnesses, I became disillusioned with the medical system and decided to take my health into my own hands.
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