Toxic mold exposure: cause of health symptoms
Toxic mold exposure can cause health symptoms, including hair loss.
Keeping Hair Loss at Bay
First, toxic mold exposure is a hidden cause of many health symptoms, including hair loss. Second, there can be many factors behind the loss of hair you are experiencing. To find solutions, it is important to get informed and to explore all of the possible reasons behind your hair loss.
To go on, many different types of mold can be found inside and outside of the home. Besides, different variations of mold have a different effect on the body. Read on to learn how to recognize and avoid mold.
Mold and Hair Loss
Furthermore, mold produces spores. These spores are released into the air and they float and make their way around your home. Moreover, the reason it is dangerous for us is that we inadvertently inhale those small spores. When mold spores enter the body, they trigger an allergic reaction.
As a response to allergens, the human body releases histamines. After all, the goal of histamines is to protect the body from intrusions. However, histamine release leads to inflammation within the body. Ultimately, this swelling disrupts blood flow within your capillaries, which causes mal-oxygenation of the hair.
All in all, when your hair does not get the oxygen it needs, it is not adequately nourished. Without the nutrition that it needs, hair becomes brittle and weak, and ultimately it will begin to fall out.
What is mold?
Further, mold is typically found in warm, moist environments. You will find it inside and outside your home. In humid conditions, mold can grow at an extremely rapid rate. It can also become tough to destroy in a wet environment that encourages the growth of mold.
The molds that you must be most cautious of are those that emit mycotoxins. This type of poison can do a lot of damage to your body and your overall health. Black mold is an example of a mold that releases mycotoxins.
What Is Black Mold?
You may have already heard of black mold (Stachybotrys Chartarum). It is black in color and quite easy to identify. At times, it can have a grey/green look to it. You will usually find it growing in warm, moist sections of the home. It likes to grow on surfaces like wood, board, paper, and lint.
Aside from its distinct color, black mold has a distinct odor to it as well. An inspector or someone experienced with mold will recognize the smell right away. Most people describe this smell as being musty.
If you live in a climate that is naturally warm and moist or your home is warm and humid. Mould and its harmful effects are something you should know about and keep an eye open for.
If you are exposed to an environment that is moist and warm, and you are also experiencing hair loss, it is important to consider the possibility that black mold might cause your hair loss.
When you inspect your home for mold, pay special attention to areas of the house that are typically damp. Mould is most often found in places like the bathroom, basement, and also crawlspaces that you rarely enter.
The effect that black mold has on your health and your overall wellness system will very much depend on how long you have been breathing it in. Long-term exposure can lead to increasingly severe health problems.
Treatment for Hair Loss Caused by Mold
Be sure to address any problems with mold in your house as quickly as possible. Typically, symptoms will remain until you are no longer exposed to black mold, but it can be necessary for certain people to detox from mold. This can be done through certain herbs, enzymes, etc. There are DR specialized in the sick-building-syndrome.
What is the best way to remove mold from your home? First, carefully search your entire home for mold. You can take this a step further by contracting a mold testing service.
If mold is found in your home, removing it is a matter of urgency. Be sure to use a HEPA vac in your home on a regular basis. This will reduce mold spore and thus improve your allergies.
Will Hair Grow Back?
If you have experienced hair loss, be encouraged by the fact that this is a condition that can be reversed. More than likely regrowth will be slow, but it will come. The key is to make sure that you are no longer exposed to mold or its spores.
The reason that your hair can regrow after hair loss from mold exposure is that your hair follicles have not died. They are in a dormant state. Once you are no longer exposed to mold, those hair follicles can reactivate and function again.
Symptoms of Exposure to Black Mold
If you live in the moist conditions described above and you recognize the symptoms below, it is important to inspect your home for mold fully:
- Chronic coughing
- Chronic fatigue
- Eye irritation
- Fever
- Mucous membrane irritation (mouth, nose, and throat)
- Rashes
- Sneezing
Black mold is a serious problem that should be dealt with as soon as you become aware that there is a problem. Its impact on your health can be troublesome, and this only becomes worse the longer you
Hair Loss from Fungal Infections
Another reason that you could be losing your hair is from fungal infections that are similar to mold. Scalp ringworm (tinea capitis) is an example of this. It is a parasitic fungus otherwise known as dermatophytes. This fungus causes an infection of the skin’s outer layer.
When you have an infection from a fungal infection, it looks different from hair loss from mold allergies. Fungal infections create hair loss that is patchy. You will first see a pimple on the scalp, which later turns red. The hair falls out, and the area becomes itchy and flaky. You may also experience inflammation of the skin, and your skin could also peel or become scaly.
Fungal infections spread very easily among individuals. Anyone with a weak immune system has a higher risk of becoming infected. Fungal infections are also often the reason behind hair loss in children.
Other Allergies Cause Hair Loss
Now mold is not the only thing that can cause hair loss. Anything that causes an allergic reaction in your system for too long a period can lead to loss of hair.
Everyday things found in every home can result in allergic reactions. Things like pet dander, dust mites, and their excretion, and even certain biological enzymes in laundry detergent.
If you would like to read about the 55 hair loss causes, please ensure to check out this link.
Or to discover more information about optimal health and living a holistic lifestyle, click here.
My favorite readings about this topic are :
- Tox-sick, From Tox-sick to not sick by Susan Somers
- Toxic, Heal your body from Mold Toxicity, Lyme Disease, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, and Chronic Environmental Illness, by Neil Nathan
- Toxic Mold: Beware Of The Dangers Of Mold by Paul Johnson
Is Your House Making You Sick? A Beginner’s Guide to Toxic Mold by Andrea Fabry
- Nature’s Mold Rx, the Non-Toxic Solution to Toxic Moldby Edward R Close
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